What is French culture you ask?
Il y a un certain, je ne sais quoi. (There is a certain, I don’t know what.)
Is it the language? (click here)

Is it the beautiful cuisine? (click here)

Is it les jardins? (click here)

Is it les marchés? (click here)

Is it the appreciation of the natural world? (click here)

The answer is so simple. La culture française is all of these things all together, all at the same time. L’ambiance, the sights, the sounds, the tastes, the language … it’s a feeling.
It’s taking the time to breathe (inspirer) … breathe it all in. It’s listening to your inter voice asking you to enjoy time with family and friends, to share a meal with those that are close to you (vos proches). It’s taking the time to relax and enjoy life (la joie de vivre).

There is the appearance of effortless simplicity everywhere (partout).
That’s not to say that the result was effortless. (click here)

There is an elegant simplicity. (click here)

Simply elegant … c’est le français.