Niveau B2 (Upper Intermediate) (1)
Helpful phrases to know :
- À quelle heure est-ce que … ? (At what time did … ?)
- Envoie-le-nous ! (Send it to us!)
- Envoyez-le-leur ! (Send it to them!)
- Il est important que … (It is important that … ) (The following verb will be in the subjonctif.)
- Il est important que j’y aille demain matin. (It is important that I go there tomorrow morning.)
- Il faut avoir la bonne address. (One must / I must / You must have the right address.)
- Il faut avoir une bonne attitude. (One must have a good attitude.)
- If faut faire un effort. (One must make an effort. / One must try.)
- Il faut que … (It is necessary that … ) (The following verb will be in the subjonctif.)
- Il faut que je sache la recette ! (I have to know the recipe!)
- Nous avons tout fait pour que … (We did everything so that …) (The following verb will be in the subjonctif.)
- Parlez-m’en ! (Tell me about it! / Tell me about them (things)!)
- Rends-le-leur ! (Give it back to them!)
- Soyez gentil. (Be kind.)
- Ne soyez pas méchants. (Don’t be mean.)
- Tu me manques. (I miss you.)
- Vous êtes sûr ? (Are you sure?)

- Ce jour-là, elles avaient décidé d’aller à la piscine. (That day, they had decided to go to the pool.)
- Tu avais mangé tous les bonbons. (You had eaten all the candy.)
- Ils avaient regardé un film ce soir-là. (They had watched a film that evening.)
- Nous avions cherché un nouvel appartement cette-année-là. (We had looked for a new apartment that year.)

- Il est important qu’elles les y attendent. (It is important that they are waiting for them there.)
- Il est important qu’ils t’y accompagnent. (It is important that they accompany you there.)
- Il est important que je l’y rencontre. (It is important that I meet him there.)

- Je veux apprendre sois le français sois l’espagnol. (I want to learn either French or Spanish.)
- Je voudrais soit un café au lait soit un chocolat chaud. (I would like either a coffee with milk or a hot chocolate.)

Verbs B2: (In B2, the Plus-que-parfait, the Subjonctif présent and the Subjonctif passé are introduced.)
- accompagner (to accompany)
- se baigner (to swim)
- changer d’avis (to change your mind)
- croire (to believe)
- déranger (to bother)
- embêter (to bother)
- manquer (to miss)
- penser (to think)
- prendre (to take)
- prévoir (to predict / to plan)
- se promener (to take a walk)
- réparer (to repare)
- répéter (to repeat)

Nouns B2:
- l’argent (money)
- un bruit (a noise)
- un comportement (a behavior)
- l’élève (the student)
- l’influence (the influence)
- la littérature (the literature)
- la poésie (the poetry)
- une rivière (a river)
- le spectacle (the show)

Adjectives B2:
- froid / froide (cold)
- evident / evidente (evident / obvious / clear)
- exemplaire (exemplary)
- génial / géniale (great / fantastic / brilliant)
- gentil / gentille (kind)
- interdit / interdite (not allowed / prohibited)
- méchant / méchante (mean)
- paresseux / paresseuse (lazy)
- sympa (nice / kind / friendly)

Other little words B2:
- Bien que … (although …) (The following verb will be in the subjonctif.)
- Ce jour-là, … (That day, …)
- Ce soir-là, … (That evening, …)
- lequel / laquelle (which / who / whom)
- d’ici (by)
- dont (whose / of which / including)
- plus tard (later)
- pour que (so that) (The following verb will be in the subjonctif.)
- … soit … soit (… either … or …)
- tout ce qui / que … (all that … )
- quand (when)
- surtout (especially / particularly)
- y compris (including)